The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach of Fludor Benin S.A is a holistic approach which is based on seven principles of responsibility in order to address the seven central questions according to the ISO 26000 standard. The seven central questions are:
1. Governance of the organization
2. Human rights
3. Relationships, working conditions
4. The environment
5. Fair practices
6. Consumer issues
7. Communities and local development

We apply these seven principles as follows;

  1. Accountability
    FLUDOR takes into account the impacts it generates on society and the environment where she operates. Environmental impact studies are regularly produced and there is an early warning system involving local authorities in the event of environmental problems.
  2. Transparency
    FLUDOR regularly disseminates in a clear, fair and comprehensive manner the policies, decisions and activities for which it is responsible through training sessions for the ISO team. FLUDOR is thus transparent with regard to the purpose, nature or location of its activities, the way in which its decisions are made, its performance in areas of social responsibility, etc.
  3. Ethical behavior
    To promote ethical behavior, FLUDOR has adopted and encourages the promotion of standards of ethical behavior (ILO, Human Rights, child labor, respect for the environment such as wastewater treatment and cogeneration for the production of steam).
  4. Recognition of stakeholder interests
    FLUDOR has identified the stakeholders (suppliers including cooperatives of women shea producers, village communities, its customers such as SCB Lafarge) and consults them regularly in order to take their point of view into consideration when they are affected by a company decision. .
  5. Respect for the principle of legality
    FLUDOR complies with legal obligations in all jurisdictions (social security, social partners, occupational health, etc.)
    6. Taking into account international standards of behavior
    FLUDOR respects international standards of behavior (ILO or Human Rights) while adhering to the principle of legality.


  1. Respect for human rights
    FLUDOR respects human rights and recognizes both their importance and their universality. FLUDOR takes measures to respect human rights, in cases where these are not protected.