Our History

FLUDOR BENIN S.A with a share capital of 5,100 million FCFA is a 100% subsidiary of the TGI Group (Tropical General Investments). Present in Benin since 1996, it specializes in the crushing of oil seeds and the husking of cashew nuts. The General Management is based in Cotonou, while the industrial complex is located in Cana, a hundred (100Km) kilometers from Cotonou.

The crushing plant processes cotton seeds, soybeans and shea almonds to obtain refined cotton oil, refined soybean oil, shea butter, cottonseed meal, soybeans and shea. With a cotton seed crushing capacity of 108,000 tones / year, this factory provides around 250 direct jobs.

The cashew hulling plant employs more than a thousand people, an essentially female workforce, with a production capacity of 13,000 tonnes / year, which will increase to 18,000 tonnes / year from 2020.

Our raw materials

We value the raw material and create jobs through growth and development opportunities.